Aeon Echo Challenge 2023

The Aeon Echo Challenge is a quote-writing competition for SMU students and a part of the Leave Your Mark campaign. In this Challenge, students were invited to craft a meaningful quote that would inspire the next generation of students. Quotes from winning entries can then be adopted by fresh alum graduates participating in the Leave Your Mark campaign.
Aeon Echo Challenge 2023 was jointly organised by SMU Literati, Communication Management Society, and SMU Office of Advancement.
Masterclass: Writing for Thought Leadership
On 3 November 2023, alumnus Marcus Loh (MCM 2015) and Lin Suling, Opinion Editor at The Straits Times, conducted a masterclass on writing for thought leadership with the finalists from Aeon Echo Challenge.
The couple delved into writing from a place of purpose and integrating brand with cultural impact to amplify audience engagement and drive positive change. A huge thank you to Marcus and Suling for sharing their time and insights with us!
Congratulations to all winners!
Top 3
- When life starts getting comfortable, that's when the devil comes knocking.
- Giovanni Lee (LKCSB Year 2) - Let your voice echo in these walls; this is the place to learn, fail, heal, and conquer.
- Prabaker Krisha (YPHSL Year 2) - Life comes out of you, not at you.
- Nicholas Oh (LKCSB Year 2)
1st Runner Up
Quotes are not listed in any particular order
- Kindness, sincerity, altruism: Humanity's golden ticket out of our own self absorbed war.
- Joycelyn Wee (SCIS Year 2) - Fear the unknown, but never be afraid to chase it - for curiosity is the first step to success.
- Brendan Tan (YPHSL Year 3) - Show genuine care - you are first and foremost a human, then a competitor.
- Teffania Clarissa Anabel (SCIS Year 2) - You can do more about a far-fetched ambition for tomorrow than a realistic regret for yesterday.
- Daniel Lim (SOSS Year 1) - Chasing perfection is losing the imperfections that make life what it is – and it is beautiful.
- Shayanne Chang (LKCSB Year 3) - Everyone has their own path to take – Do not compare yourself with others, but with your old self.
- Eva Yeo (SOE Year 4) - It's okay to not have it altogether. Take a deep breath, step outside, and take on the world again.
- Emmanuel Lee (SOA Year 2) - Daffodils, tulips and roses line our garden, and like us, they’re all blossoming in their own time.
- Chua Jia Xuan (YPHSL Year 1) - We often ponder the mysteries of others' success, yet we often overlook the enchantment within us.
- Sarah Tan (SOE Year 3) - A good education and career brings in money but a good character brings in wealth, stay true always!
- Pang Jun Rong (SCIS Year 4) - You are allowed to be proud of your victories in your silent battles, they matter.
- Isabelle Tan (LKCSB Year 3) - Uni is like cai fan - you can only get so much with your limited allowance. Spend your time wisely!
- Brendan Tan (YPHSL Year 3) - Stop worrying about what you can’t control, and start controlling what you worry about. Keep going!
- Low Zheng Ming (BBM 2023) - Stars are bright and shiny, yet small. Just like our goals and dreams, tough and seemingly impossible, yet possible.
- Chen Yu Zhong (LKCSB Year 1) - So much depends on luck but so much depends on you!
- Tan Xin Yi (SCIS Year 4)
2nd Runner Up
Quotes are not listed in any particular order
- Sometimes taking a step backwards can be the best way to take an even greater step forward.
- Ethan Tan (SOE Year 1) - Graduating is no easy feat. Celebrate every victory along the way, regardless of its significance.
- Berlynn Chua (SOSS Year 4) - To worry about the future, you need the strength to complete today.
- Linus Ang (SOA Year 2) - When things don't go your way, look up at the sky and smile - Everything will be okay.
- Ezenn Chong (LKCSB Year 3) - Academics are important, but so are your friends; treasure these connections while they last.
- Ho Ka Tung (SOSS Year 2) - Today trumps tomorrow.
- Pranav Arya (SOE Year 2) - You are not your GPA - For the grade you get today, cannot write your life's essay.
- Mok Xiao Rou (LKCSB Year 3) - In doing common things uncommonly well, the norm becomes extraordinary.
- Mohammad Sufian Bin Mastor (LKCSB Year 4) - Dare to dream, dare to create, and let your potential illuminate the path for the future generation(s).
- Grace Goh (SCIS Year 2) - Embrace this journey, unlock your potential, and make your mark. But never forget to have fun!
- Teo Xuan Ting (LKCSB Year 3)
The Leave Your Mark campaign is an opportunity for fresh graduates to make their very first gift towards their alma mater by sharing a meaningful message or quote together with a donation to support the SMU Bursary Fund. Read more here.