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Ensuring International Reach For Research

  • “I am grateful for the fellowship as it helps me to disseminate my research findings in the field of sustainability to the world leading scholars in this area. This dissemination is very critical in obtaining invaluable feedback as well as increasing both the quality and the reach of my research findings on a topic that has a direct impact on the environment and on our society.”
    Professor Onur Boyabatli,
    Associate Professor of Operations Management & Lee Kong Chian Fellow 2017, SMU

    Drawing on the Lee Kong Chian Fund for Excellence from the Lee Foundation, the Lee Kong Chian Fellowship was set-up in 2014 as a way to recognise and support faculty with an excellent research record by enabling them to participate in international research programmes.

    Since 2014, 42 fellowships are awarded each year. The scheme is slated to close in 2023 and the total number of fellowships will amount to $12.6 million over the 10 years.

    One such recipient is Professor Onur Boyabatli, Associate Professor of Operations Management, who was awarded the fellowship in 2017.

    Professor Boyabatli is well-known for his research in the field of integrated risk management in supply chains, and has organised and chaired several notable conferences and meetings.