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Giving Back To The Experience That Shaped You

  • “Being able to experience the business environment in another country transformed the way I understood how companies could be run. Starting the SMUpreneurs Overseas Study Mission Fund is a platform for alumni such as myself to give SMU students that same opportunity.”
    Ivan Chang
    Executive Chairman, The Wonderlabs Group,
    President, SMUpreneurs,
    Class Of 2014, Lee Kong Chian School of Business

    Believing that an overseas experience brings new perspective and fresh ideas to students, the SMUpreneurs, SMU’s largest network of alumni entrepreneurs, came together to raise $200,000 to set-up a new scheme to widen the impact of overseas exposure.

    Named the SMUpreneurs Overseas Study Mission Fund, the scheme provides study mission grants to SMU students looking to study abroad but lack the means to do so.

    Having benefitted from a scholarship himself, Mr Ivan Chang, President of the SMUpreneurs, hopes to pay it forward by rallying support from the SMUpreneurs community to drive SMU towards its goal of ensuring 100% of its students benefit from global exposure.

    The scheme is also an example of the increasing alumni participation and leadership in building a culture of giving by students during and after their studies.

    Find out more about the SMUpreneurs Overseas Study Mission Fund or make a donation to the cause here.