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Scholars give thanks at Annual Appreciation Event

Over the years, the Singapore Management University (SMU) has received tremendous support from its donors, many of whom have made recurring gifts that ensure a sustainable source of support to the many causes at the University, including scholarships and bursaries.

The various scholarships at SMU aim to motivate outstanding students to achieve all-round excellence in their educational pursuits, and this year’s scholars appreciation lunch on 14 November 2014 was held in appreciation of donors who have supported scholarships and championed the spirit of giving at SMU.

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Said Dean of Students Associate Professor Ong Siow Heng, “We want to develop students not just in the classrooms but in the CCA & community service projects that they are participating in. We also want our students to reflect on the values that they bring with them and those values that are good to develop in them, so that they make a rich and positive impact on society.”

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Adam Tan [Left in top photo], recipient of the Jardine Cycle & Carriage Limited Scholarship, shared on stage about the impact that the scholarship had on his undergraduate experience, and also how he felt compelled to pay it forward in the future. “It was our privilege to be chosen as scholars, and we would do our best to give back as we receive. Whether we give back towards our community, towards other communities, or simply towards the school itself, this privilege is not ours to keep, but ours to share.”

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Echoed Ng Shi Qian [Left in top photo], recipient of the Lim Hoon Foundation Scholarship. She said, “Lim Hoon Foundation’s generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. This is also the reason why I am an active member of the Uni-Y Food of Love Program. The program provides me a platform to give back to the society through spreading warmth and love from baking and delivering food staples to low-income elderly households and an opportunity to befriend and help relieve the loneliness and isolation of these elderly.”

The session ended over a lunch buffet with scholarship recipients continuing to share not only their educational experiences at SMU but also their gratitiude to the many donors present.