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SMU Students Awarded MasterCard MBA Scholarships for Women 2017

Committed to empowering women in business, Mastercard on 27 April announced the 2017 recipients of the Mastercard MBA Scholarships for Women at Singapore Management University (SMU).

SMU awardees Shaily Sharma and Zhou Yuzhen were selected for their outstanding academic achievements, keen leadership and entrepreneurial qualities and excellent community service records.

About the Scholarships

2017 marks the Mastercard MBA Scholarships for Women’s seventh year of collaboration with SMU. Awarded to full-time female MBA candidates from Asia Pacific, it aims to develop their outstanding academic and entrepreneurship potential and nurture them to be socially-responsible women. The scholarship also includes an internship with Mastercard, which offers invaluable insight into the business and operations of the global payments company. To date, 17 young women have received this scholarship.

Leila Guerra, Assistant Dean, Postgraduate Programmes, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, SMU said, “SMU’s partnership with Mastercard is mutually aligned and beneficial. Both organisations are strong proponents of business innovation and diversity for integrated community growth and betterment. SMU has an edge in generating entrepreneurial and holistic leaders, who are adept in critical thinking, are socially responsible and global-ready. On average, close to 40 per cent of our MBA students are women and there are typically more than 15 nationalities in every class – embracing and appreciating diversity are values which we hold dear. The opportunity from this Mastercard Scholarship further empowers SMU and our MBA recipients to make a bigger difference in advancing more leadership roles for women, which in turn will help them make more meaningful impact in society.”

Georgette Tan, Senior Vice President, Communications, Asia Pacific, Mastercard, said, “Engaging, encouraging and empowering women, particularly in their academic years, is a critical step in helping address the gender gap and changing the role of women in advancing our communities and economies. Together with like-minded and well-respected educational institutions such as SMU, we are committed to encouraging young women to pursue their passions and build their confidence to help them become leaders in their chosen fields and society at large.”

SMU Recipients of Mastercard MBA Scholarships for Women 2017

“Through internship, MasterCard has matched me with an apt profile to which I can apply my existing knowledge and skills. This also enables enhanced practical learning and further skills development for me. The Scholarship has opened further opportunities for me and has contributed to my personal growth as well. I am grateful towards MasterCard's priceless gift and thank MasterCard for its investment in my capabilities. Receiving from the society via MasterCard has made me more driven to give back to the society at any given opportunity,” said SMU MBA student Shaily Sharma, recipient of the MasterCard MBA Scholarship for Women.

“I feel really honoured to be awarded the MasterCard MBA Scholarship for Women, which offers not only financial support but also an internship opportunity. Being recognised by a reputable company like MasterCard makes me feel more confident in pursuing my career ambition. As businesses increasingly empower women and harness female strengths, I believe this Scholarship encourages and aspires more women to take up more influential professional roles,” said SMU MBA student Zhou Yuzhen, recipient of the MasterCard MBA Scholarship for Women.